Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Joy ........

I was sitting in the favorite chair, when the phone rang! The voice on the other end was excited. And the news that was spoken into Glenda's ear caused her to exclaim with joy. Last year at this time, we were struggling with the fact that our son, Jimmy, had deployed prior to Thanksgiving to Iraq for a 15 month deployment. But the news came last night! Jimmy will be leaving Iraq on 6 Jan to come home to his family!

It was just this week that Jaxson told his mom, "I have a new way of singing, 'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth' . It went like this, 'All I want for Christmas is for my dad to come home...' I can imagine the excitement that those precious children have as they prepare for Jimmy's arrival in a few days. Just think, They will have Christmas in December, and another "Christmas" in January!

We are looking forward to seeing Jimmy and the family sometime soon. Jimmy called earlier this week and indicated that he would be home soon.

This is a season for families to come together and celebrate the GREATEST GIFT EVER GIVEN, the coming of Jesus into this world to fulfill the Old Testament prophecy that a savior would come. Jesus came, as promised! And He is still coming to those who will believe.

As the Whetstone's gather this week, we are going to enjoy our precious grandchildren. Alex, Nick, Jacob, Christopher, Tripp, and Madellyn are here with us. Shane and Diane, Tanja and Rob, and Mother will sit down and enjoy the children as they celebrate. They will celebrate by opening gifts and playing. What a blessing! Then in January or February, we will do it again with Jimmy and Lindsey, Jaxson, Juliet, and Johnny! As my old friend, Charlie would say, "You've got it made!" I didn't realize that Charlie was such a great prophet! I've got it made! It is not the wealth of this world that satisfys. It is the warmth of our heart as we celebrate Jesus with those whom we love!

Glenda and I will celebrate together the joy of being together with our Family! We are so blessed!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you! And a happy NEW YEAR!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ever get tired......

I'm not talking about tired after a long day's work, or a stressful week. Some time ago I heard a story about a preacher that went for an interview with a pulpit committee. After a lengthy interview, one 'of the committee asked the preacher why he had left his last assignment. His response was, "It was due to illness and fatigue." Someone slipped away to the phone and called the last pulpit chairman and asked why had the Pastor left. Their response was, "We were sick and tired of him!"

The scripture tells of more than one incidence where there was frustration in the hearts of great men. One was seen sitting under a tree moaning about his plight, while God was actively sending him fresh food for his enjoyment! God had to remind him that he was not alone. Another man of God, in his frustration, disobeyed the Lord by smiting the rock when he was told to speak to the rock. That incident cost Moses the opportunity to enter into the Land of Promise.

We all face times of discouragement and personal anguish. Loneliness is not a joyous place. But we must realize that we are never alone. We are not forsaken.

I remember the words of a friend that passed away a few months ago, who often told me, "You got it made!" We always laughed about that statement. But really it is the truth! We who walk in the fellowship of the Lord have a destiny that will lead us into glorious victory! If we walk with the Lord, He has never had a failure!

In these recent days, we all have struggled with the financial crisis that our nation is faced with at this time. Some of my friends have lost $1,000s of dollars in the markets. It would be easy for them to become disillusioned. But one of those friends told me that through this crisis, he has learned to cry out to the Lord for wisdom and peace. And the awesome thing about it is that peace has come to his heart.

David said in the Old Testament, that while in his distress, he cried unto the Lord and the Lord heard him. That is a secret to facing the uncertainty of life. TRUST IN THE LORD! He will not fail you! A dear missionary friend spoke at a church where I was pastor and the conclusion of his message to us was to PLOD ON! So...... Here we go, plodding on! And on! And on!

Now go to bed, and get some rest! The Lord has sent his angels to watch over you and all that you have! He will sustain you!

Keep the faith!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just a note to let you know...

We are still around! It has been a very busy season. We are working around the clock it seems. Thank God the price of fuel has gone down!

We are faced with the choice as a result of last Tuesday's election to do the right thing regarding our new president-elect. I assure you that I did not support the election of Mr Obama. There are many reasons why, his stance on Israel, his views on abortion, his postion on marriage being between a man and a woman are among the many. But I am not writing to stir the pot concerning the election.

We are instructed by the Word of God that we are to pray for those in authority. My son, Pastor Shane, reminded us of this in the service this past week. I was reminded of the sermon that I preached right after the election of Bill Clinton. It was based on the life of Daniel, who served in several administrations, all of them which did not adhere to Daniel's values and beliefs. However the scripture speaks of Daniel as being a man of an excellent spirit. That is how I want to be known.

I commit to pray for Mr. Obama. I want him to be a successful president, and not a failure. I want him to lead our nation in a positive manner. It will require the leadership of our Father to quide his steps and fill him with wisdom. Let me challenge you to join the commitment to pray for this administration more than any that has preceeded.

HE, our Father, can do it!

Keep the faith!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Your Faith....

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. We are so prone to place faith as a hard thing to manifest. But in many situations, Jesus reacted to "your faith".

God is not a creator that holds back on his promises to see just how high we will jump or how many rivers we will swim in order to recieve his blessings. That is just not in the character and nature of God. It is the "father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom". He wants to shower us with the blessing of his favor!

A little girl came to a service recently, and after the service came to the evangelist and said, "My best friend is blind and tomorrow I am going to bring her to church so that you can pray for her. I know that when you pray for her, she will be able to see". There is nothing like the faith of a child, and the pressure was on to not let this child down, so the evangelist spent the night and day in prayer for the anointing of God to bring a deliverance for this child. When the service time came the little girl and her friend was sitting on the front seat. At the conclusion of the message that evening, the little girl brought her friend up for prayer. The evangelist prayed a simple prayer, and the child was totally healed! How did it happen? The faith of a little girl that believed that her Father God was all that He declared Himself to be! " I am the Lord that healeth thee!" was more than just a passing statement. It is a TRUTH of who God is!

Reach out to Him in faith today! You have the faith to believe. God instilled it in your heart. Rise up and believe. All things are possible to them that believe

Keep the Faith!


Monday, September 15, 2008

SEPTEMBER is half gone!

I can't believe it, September is half gone and it will soon be a year since I left the city and moved to the country! I miss the city. But then, I missed that abcessed tooth, too!

Glenda and I are as busy as a flea at the humane society! A priority has been football this fall. We have three grandsons that are actively engaged in football. We try to make all of the games. What a joy to see the passion of these great boys as they condition themselves as athletes. They are each very intense. We are so proud of them!

Each of our grandkids are important to us! We only have 9! They range in age from 15 to 4 months! Today I went by to see Madelyn. She was in a very pleasant mood, and while I talked to her she began to giggle. I was beaming! Then I realized that she was probably thinking "This is the funniest face I have ever seen!"

I just returned from Eastern Georgia where I was the guest speaker at Grace Community Fellowship in Thomson, GA. We had a great time together celebrating their 5th Anniversary! Congratulations to Richard and Jennifer Kitchens!

The miles are stacking up on the road with me. I never thought I'd get weary of driving, but sometimes I just look forward to stopping and resting! Wednesday was one of those days. I drove 980 miles that day! I could hardly stand when I got back to the farm.

Upcoming services are scheduled for Calvary Pentecostal Church at Sebree, KY and at the Proctor Community Church in Proctor, OK . Please be sure to pray for these events that they will result in a harvest of spiritual benefits.

Glenda's brother Jerry is back in the hospital in Nashville in very guarded condition. Please remember him in your prayers. I am very concerned about him. It was only the grace of God that he survived the last episode. God is so faithful.

I would loke for you to pray for Glenda and me. We are faced with a great deal of issues most of which are surrounded by financial pressure. It has been touch and go for us this past year. But as I mentioned, God is faithful!

I appreciate those of you who check the blog and respond!

Keep the Faith!


Friday, August 1, 2008

I can't believe that it has been this long!

Just to update, Jerry is at home and recovering. There are still some issues concerning his health due to the ordeal, but he is at home!

The grandkids from Texas are in town, along with the rest of the clan! We are delighted that they are going to all be together for a few days. Maybe I'll get a few new pictures for the blog!

This has been a very busy week for me. I have driven nearly three thousand miles since last Friday afternoon. That is very tiring, I assure you. But it sure is nice to have the opportunity to work.

There are several events upcoming that I will be sharing as they occur in the various areas where Glenda and I will be involved in ministry. We are looking forward to those opportunities with great joy.

Don't forget us! And if you will, send me a note if you are watching this site. I will try to do better!!!!

Keep the Faith!!

Carry ON!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

We need you to pray...

Jerry Parnell, Glenda's brother, is in the Baptist Hospital in Nashville, TN. He was discovered Sunday morning at 6 a.m. in an apparent coma. He was taken by ambulance to a local hospital and then flown to the hospital here in Nashville. While he has wakened, there is no response to commands, and only a very limited sign of him being aware of anything or anyone. He is in the MICU and under watchful care. The test results indicated nothing of any significance. He has had brain scan, EEG, EKG, and other related and normal tests for someone in this condition.

The neuroligist has indicated that nothing shows up in the tests indicating any impairment. However, he is non responsive. They are working diligently to bring him out of this condition.

Glenda and I have been here since Sunday afternoon. Edna arrived here Sunday night. Jerry's girlfriend and children have been here. Glenda and I plan to leave this evening after the 5 pm visit. I am speaking at the Gathering this Thursday evening at Jacob's Well in Mt Carmel, and Glenda is needing to get back to the store thaqt she manages in Mt Carmel. Glenda is returning here on Saturday.

We need your prayers for a miracle for Jerry. As you are aware, Glenda's older brother, David, passed away on May 30. Glenda and Miss Edna, her mother, are struggling with these events as you can imagine. They are needing our continued prayerful support.

To those of you who are just now hearing about this, please accept my apology for not contacting you sooner. We have been here in this struggle for all of this time and I have only had access to my blackberry to send emails. I am now on my computer where I can access more of you. Thank you for praying! I am determined to see the hand of the Lord deliver Jerry.

Blessings to you!



Monday, June 9, 2008

A Note of Gratitude

Thanks to all of you who contacted us as we mourned the passing of Glenda's brother, David. We have recieved calls, cards, and encouraging words as we moved through these past few days. It is in times like these that we realize who our friends are and we have learned to depend upon the prayers and support of these precious people.

Special thanks to Miss Kelly for taking care of our lil' Miss Sophie for us while we were away.

David passed away after a lengthy illness on Friday, May 30. I officiated at the memorial service held on Tuesday, June 3 at the Green Hill Funeral Chapel. The service was precious as we sang and shared music. David had spend a lifetime playing music in the secular country music industry. He is survived by his children, brothers, sister and mother. He will be missed by us all.

It was a good thing to know that David had asked the Lord to come into his life some weeks ago and felt that he was prepared to face the Lord. Isn't God's grace marvelous?

Continue to remember my mother-in-law. She had been his care provider for several years. She struggles with his passing.

We love you and pray for you to walk in victory.


Friday, May 30, 2008


I know that everyone is waiting with baited breath for the news of our newest arrival! Madellyn Ruth Bingham arrived on Tuesday afternoon just three days ahead of the scheduled day of arrival. Tanja and Rob, Alex and Tripp are all doing well!

So is MiMi!

Keep the faith!


The Phone Rang ......

It was Glenda. She was telling me that her brother David was very critical and in a coma. Dr. Cook says that time will be short. The ammonia levels are extremely high, he has had several seizures during the night, and he was having heart attacks as she spoke. Family are getting plans together to head for Tulsa. We need your prayers.

David has suffered for several years from Hepatitis C. He has faced death several times and always was triumphant. Who knows when the time will come for.....

It is very important that we make all the necessary arrangements here on earth, but not only here, to make certain that our hearts are ready to meet our Lord.

Keep the faith...


Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day with the family

We gathered at the farm for a wonderful day with family and friends, building precious memories that will linger for years to come. Shane, Diane, Nick, Jake, Chris, Beverly Higgins, Tanja, Rob, Alex, Tripp, my mother, Uncle Louis, Aunt Elizabeth, Linda, Uncle Buck, Donna, Tony, and the beautiful Miss Brittany all were there for food, fellowship and fun! Jake, Chris, Tripp and Alex played ball. Tripp rode the little tractor with Papaw! He was so excited! Shane, Alex and Brittany worked on guitar skills and played a few tunes for us. It was a most enjoyable day. We are sorry that all of our friends could not come and be a part of the day, but distance is so often an enemy!

Memories are created at times like these. We reminesced, told funny stories, and ate. And ate. Did I mention that we ate? I cooked burgers and dogs! But Glenda and mom fixed all kinds of goodies, from Glenda's trademark baked beans, to cheesecake with fresh strawberries. It was just the kind of day that makes you feel like you want to do it again!

Next year, maybe you can come and be a part of this time of togetherness with us!

I can hear it now, Charlie would say, 'You got it made!' And ya know....he'd be right!!

Keep the faith!


Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Memorial....

I sat and listened to the preacher preach a few weeks ago. It was a Wedensday evening revival meeting service. I really hadn't expected to hear from the Lord when I went to this revival. I just went to be going. But suddenly, the message took a turn. It was a message about the struggles that we find ourselves involved in and the plan that God has for our lives when we go through the heavy trial.

The children of Israel had come again to the crossing of the Jordan. It was now time to pass this obstacle. The priests had already stepped into the river and God had parted the water for the people of God to pass through. God spoke to Joshua and told him to have a member of every tribe to take a stone from the river and use it to build a memorial. I had always visualized a pile of stones, looking somewhat like a pile of rip-rap alongside the river. But this wordsmith drew a picture that is still vivid in my mind. These were not small stones, but massive stones that were used to build walls. They were quite heavy as they labored to get them out of the river. It seemed that the memorial was not going to be placed until they reached the place where they were going to camp for the night. It was not to be a pile of rocks along the river bank. And it wasn't going to be easy to carry those stones to the site of the camp. But they struggled under the load with great difficulty. It was backbreaking to these men as they labored to carry the stone that they had harvested toward the site of the memorial. Finally they reached the place and lay the stone aside.

It would be years later that they would return to remember the struggle that they had suffered in order to recieve the promise of the Father.

What is the struggle that you are faced with today? I have a few.... And sometimes it seems that there is no end to the struggle. But in the words of a song penned by Andrae Crouch, "our trials only come to make me strong!" There is a victory just over the horizon!

A few days ago, I was driving into town to check the mail to see if there was good news. As I turned the corner just down the road from our home, I began to cry and lament. "God, just where are you? I just need to know that you are still there!" Suddenly the phone rang. I started just to let it go to voicemail because I was in my own world of despair. But instead , I answered. There was a young lady that was going through her own struggles in life on the other end. She didn't mention her struggles to me that day. She simply said, "Pastor, the Lord spoke to me this morning and told me to tell you that "the days that are ahead will be more blessed that the days of your past. Don't allow this discouragement to get on top of you!" I began to weep! It was difficult to be transparent to this little gal that had troubles that far outweighted my own. But through my tears, I told her how she had been a blessing to act in obedience.

Well, the check that "is in the mail" still hasn't arrived, and I sure need the money, but God is so faithful to send men and women of God to speak a word of encouragement just in time!

It is another place of memorial! I stopped on the way to town today, and placed a stone along the side of the road. It won't mean anything to anyone else, but I will remember.....

"This is another place where God spoke to me...."

"And He walks with me and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His Own..."

Keep the faith!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jimmy made it home...

I appreciate the continual prayers for my son, Jimmy who is stationed in IRAQ. He is home for a few days of R&R. I know that his family are enjoying having the Sarg home!

I just returned from a trip to the OK/TX state line on I-40. during the trip, I passed the location of the accident that claimed the life of Dottie Rambo on Mother's Day morning. Glenda and I join the millions who have been blessed by the unique and prolific talent of this great lady. We sing her songs, and mourn her passing. She will be missed greatly by the body of Christ.

My good friend, Pastor Greg, shares the same problem I have in being regular with the blog. But I will continue to do better, I hope!

Another member of Jacob's Well has been healed! Last night Billie Terry walked without assistance at the great revival in Lakeland, FL. What a powerful outpouring! God is still doing the miraculous.!

Carry ON!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Today is Glenda's birthday. She is ____ years old today! And as beautiful as ever! She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is such a woman of God, full of character and strength. I have been blessed to have been joined with her for all these years.

Glenda is a prayer warrior. I have always enjoyed seeing her in action when the enemy has thrown "stuff" in our path. She immediately begins a warfare with the enemy. Recently, while we were facing some major situations, I walked in to find her on her face in the floor of our home, travailing. I jus stopped and listened as she wrestled in the spirit. Then came the breakthrough! WOW! Satan shivers when this woman focuses on touching the Master!

And to hear her sing the song of the Lord early in the morning.... What a blessing as she worships early in the morning while preparing for work. What a precious heritage our children have.

Her children stand and bless her; so does her husband. He praises her with these words: "There are many fine women in the world, but you are the best of them all!" Prov 31:27-29TLB

Happy Birthday, Glenda!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

We are celebrating Mother's Day with our family today. This is the first time that we have had the opportunity in seveal years to spend Mother's Day with our children. It is an awesome day.

Jimmy is still in Iraq, but will be leaving for R&R on Tuesday and will arrive in Texas on Thursday evening if all goes well. Unfortunately, we will be unable to see him since the children are in school and we cannot make the journey due to work schedules. I am grateful that he is getting to spend 18 days with his family.

I hope that all is well with you and your family and that you have enjoyed the day with your family as well.

By the way.... Keep the faith!


Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Week Ago....

This has been a very busy couple of weeks for me.  Business has picked up a bit, and I am grateful.  Last Wednesday, while sitting alongside the interstate  near waiting for an associate near Ashland, Ky, I received a call from some of our dearest friends in Virginia.  They were in a crisis and needed prayer.  Their son, Scott, was enroute to the Potomac Hospital in Woodbridge, VA by ambulance.  In a few minutes they called again, to tell me the news that Scott had arrived at the hospital and within the ten minutes between calls, he had suffered a massive heart attack and went to be with the Lord.  This was very shocking to everyone.  Of course, the Simmons' were devastated.

As I sat there in the car, the words of the psalmist came to me:  "In my distress, I cried unto the Lord and He heard me!"  My mind raced back to the first time that I had met Scott.  He was in a very difficult situation.  He was almost at the bottom.  I remember the day that Scott finally, with great sincerity, called upon the Lord, yielding his life to the Master.  It was just over two years ago.  Scott's life was never the same again.

I was asked to officiate at the services for my friend.  It was a very sweet time as more people than the chapel could hold, packed into the seats to remember Scott.  It was a moving service as his friend Monty came to the podium and gave a tribute that brought tears to everyone's eyes.  I ministered a message from Luke 15 concerning the father's love for the prodigal.  What a moment as several have called to ask the Lord to come into their lives.  

Scott was a truck driver for Stephens Transport, Inc.  He was in attendance every Sunday morning for the sermon at the church where I pastored by means of cellular phone.  Every week, a cell phone was placed near the sound speaker so that he could participate in the service wherever he was.  He was interested in the scripture and would listen by the hour to the scripture on tape, often calling to ask for my interpretation of the passage to which he had listened.  

Glenda and I have often questioned God's purpose regarding our ministry in Virginia.  Last Sunday, I said 'so long' to one who returned to the Father while I was pastoring in Virginia.  He had run the race and had run it well!  It could well be the reason that God sent me to Virginia.  I was grateful that I had been a part of God's design.

Dear friend, be not weary in doing well, for you will reap a harvest for the seed that you sow! 

Please keep Debbie, Thelma, Bill, and Rita in your prayers as they pass through these difficult days!  


Thursday, April 10, 2008

This is the day....

I am excited about the things that the Lord is doing among those who are passionately seeking His Face! We are seeing healings in each of our services, bondages broken, addictions cast out, and joy infused!

Isn't this what it is all about? The scripture is very plain when it declares that the "joy of the Lord is our strength!" This past few months has been a stretch for Glenda and me, but it is awesome to rest in the knowledge that the Lord is our strength.

Someone wrote and asked what it was that we were doing with ourselves nowadays. Several have inquired as to whether we are retired! NOT HARDLY!!!! We are just in transition into the next phase of our ministry.

Glenda is the manager of a wireless phone store here in our area. She is working a lot of hours trying to get things up to speed. The company that she went to work for has recently been bought out by a larger company, so there have been transitional issues with that area of her life as well as on a personal level. Things are beginning to level out and soon it will be a typical work week for her.

I am still working to get a small business off the ground. The industry I am involved with is somewhat difficult to infiltrate, but I am confident that it will pay off someday soon! In the meantime, I am taking advantage of the opportunity to seek the Lord, work as much as I can get the opportunity, and minister as the doors open. Some days ago, I was seeking the Lord and telling Him about all my situations, and He reminded me that He had not failed to meet our needs in the 37 years that we have been married, and this was not going to be the year that He failed to meet them.

A man of God recently spoke a Word to me: "This season of your ministry will be greater that the seasons of the past! Plod ON!" What an encouraging word from the Lord. Each month it seems that we are falling behind financially, but God has promised! And He always keeps His word!

This week end, Glenda and I will be ministering in Kentucky for Sunday AM and PM. I feel that God has a special word for the pastor and the congregation. Please remember to pray for us as we travel in ministry that we will hear from the Lord for each of the ministries that we will touch, that we will be the vessels that God will use to encourage.

For many years, I have tried to be an encourager of the believer and especially those who have devoted their lives to ministry. The other day, I was feeling a bit downhearted. Then I recieved a call from a brother who was in a spiritual crisis. I began to speak hope and faith to him by the Word of the Lord. Suddenly, I realized that what I was speaking to my brother, was a word for me as well! I began to feel encouraged in the Lord. The circumstances have not yet changed, but the outlook is better than the downlook!

Look up, dear friend! When you look up, you are less likely to fall. When you look up, you are less likely to see the dirt! When you look up, you will see the blessings of His provision! So..... Look Up!

While walking down the street today, a man came up to me and stopped me. He shared a need, and we simply prayed together on the street. When we left, he shook hands with me and left a small cash offering in my hand. It was greatly needed and most appreciated! It was more than a monetary gift! It was a word of encouragement to me that God knows my needs. And one never knows when God will use one to meet the need of another... So Carry On and do the thing that God is speaking to you!

I look forward to your response to this blog each time I send it out! CARRY ON!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Powerful Prophetic Conference...

I have just returned from Jonesboro, AR where I participated in a Prophetic and Apostolic conference at the Freedom Worship Center on Hasbrook Road.  Watch this site for more information regarding this powerful week end.  

Bishop Alva Wilson was the host and we were blessed beyond measure as the Lord manifested His presence in our midst.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


What a glorious thought that He ever liveth!  It is our prayer for you that you be encouraged in the faith and that the grace of the risen Savior will be multiplied in your life.

I will be in Jonesboro, AR on Thursday and Friday of this week at a Re-Eagle Conference with Bishop Alva Wilson.  I will be speaking in the Thursday evening session.  I would ask that you pray for this retreat of Christian workers, that we will seen the manifestations of healing and deliverance!

Our son, Shane has returned from a successful mission trip to Guatemala.  He was ill during the trip and had to come home early, but the power of the Lord was manifest in the services where he was before leaving and several healings and manifestations of the Holy Spirit were made known.

Please keep Glenda and me in your prayers for release of ministry and financial needs that somewhat are overwhelming us at this time.  God is faithful who has promised.  He always has met every need and will continue to do so!

We love each of you and look forward to hearing from you.

Keep the faith!  CARRY ON!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sorry about the delay!

WOW! It has been a long time since I have had the chance to get online long enough to add to the blog! We do no have the capability to get online at the house, and while I do get emails on my blackberry, I have not been online long enough to catch up on the blog!

The picture at the right is the latest that I received of my youngest grandson. He is definitely growing! He is quite the personality. His older brother Jaxson and sister, Juliet, are doing well after a brief season of colds and flu like symptoms. Be sure to keep Jimmy and his family in prayer while Jimmy is in Iraq.

During the past weeks, Glenda and I have been blessed to conduct services in churches in the surrounding area. We have been blessed with testimonies of healing and deliverance. It is so exciting to have the opportunity to minister and see results in the altar. Please remember us in prayer as we continue to pursue the calling of the Lord that is upon our lives.

Yesterday was great as we had the opportunity to fill the pulpit for Jacob's Well, shere our oldest son, Shane, is pastor. Shane is in Guatemala on a missions journey this week. The altar was filled with hungry hearts seeking for the manifestation of the miraculous. We are believing the Word that came to us from the Lord that this year will be a season of the miraculous. Jesus declared that there would be signs that followed them who believe, and we have determined by the Spirit that this is the day for such miracles to happen among the hungry hearts of those who will receive.

If you would like for us to minister in your community, contact us by email at whetstone.r@gmail.com We would love to come and minister to you. This is a faith-based ministry reaching into communities and churches across this nation.

May the blessing of the Lord be upon you!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Loss of a Friend

During the years of my life, I have suffered the loss of people as a result of tragedy who were dear to me.  I remember a dear friend who was killed in Vietnam in the late 60's, with whom I had enjoyed great fellowship.  Another dear friend died in a tragic plane crash.  So through the years I have learned that life continues.  It is always painful to lose a friend.

Scripture teaches us that have a friend is good and in order to have friends, one must be friendly.  I have learned that there some people connect in a moment of time and become life long friends. 
There is a significant difference between a friend and an acquaintance.  Through the years of my life I have become acquainted with thousands of people in my travels.  Often I use the term, "I have a friend..." in reference to someone who I have had fellowship but really they are simply an acquaintance.  

Recently I visited with a dear friend in Tennessee.  We have been friends since we were in our teens.  In recent years, we have not been able to get together, but the moment we met a few days ago, it was clear that the relationship of friendship was still there.  We talked of things with one another that we could not rehearse with others.  And we understood.  He is afflicted with MS now and it was painful for me to see him sitting in a wheelchair.  But it didn't change the love that we felt for one another.  I know that I can count on him and he knows that whatever comes, I am here for him.

I have people that are very close to me that I share my joys, my dreams, my failures, and my heartaches.  They listen because they are friends.  They do not harshly judge me, they often tolerate me, I am sure.  But they are always there for me.  One thing you can count on from a friend is that they will be honest with you and treat you with the blessing of not guessing where they stand.  Even when they disagree, they give you the privilege of being wrong without abandoning you.

I work hard at being a friend.  I pray for my friends every day.  I stand in the gap before the Lord, interceding for their needs.  There are times that I disagree with my friends, but I work hard to not become disagreeable with them.  In other words, I try to be a consistent in my relationship.  I attempt to always be there for them in a crisis, either in person, or by phone, standing with them in the face of their situation without judgement, simply loyal to the individual.

This week, I lost a friend.  I didn't lose this friend by death.  This friend had been close to me, and vice versa.  But I came to realize that this individual had walked away from me.  It has broken my heart.  I have wept, done personal inventory, questioned.  But the fact remains....I have lost a friend.  I will miss their fellowship.  I will miss their laughter.  I will miss their tears.  I will always pray that somehow we can be restored.  

Keep the faith!



Friday, February 15, 2008

The Secret Place...

It has finally warmed up to about 36 degrees today, and the ice is melting.  I have placed my Explorer in the garage to have some repairs this week so I am spending some time catching up on rest, paperwork, and time with the Lord.  The mechanic just informed me that he should have me going this evening or at the latest on Monday.  They are having to rebuilt the rear end and replace the axles on the front as well.

During this week, I have met with several people, done some ministry, shared with pastors in this area what the Lord is doing in Glenda and me, and most importantly, finding the time to spend some intimate time with the Lord each morning at the church.  WOW, what a blessing it is to sense the sweet presence of the Father as I sit at the keyboard and just worship. 

Yesterday, I became lost in His presence for well over an hour as I worshipped.  It was so refreshing to me.  We live about 14 miles from the church, and often it is easy for me to decide that I can do this at home.  But really, there is no place like coming into the House of Prayer to soak in the Presence of our Father God!  I had figured that I had cried all my tears on Thursday, but found that there was another fountain this morning as I worshipped.

The hour that I set aside, has become two in many instances.  It is better than Italian Cream Cake!

Please....take the time to spend in intimate worship with the Lord.  It will renew your faith as you come into His presence.

I received an email from Jimmy, who is in IRAQ, this morning.  He is having an issue with an apparent pinched nerve resulting in severe pain to his shoulder and thereby, difficulty in sleeping at night because of the pain.  Would you join with Glenda and me to pray for this need?  I would appreciate it very much.

We will be praying for you this week end in our services.  I am bringing a printed copy of the names of all those who are responding to me either by email or through this blog into the service for prayer.  If you have need for healing, deliverance, restoration, or any other need, please let us know.  We want to stand with you in prayer for divine intervention in your situation.

So....... whatever you do....

Keep the faith!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

You can have a song....

Scripture tells us that He gives us songs in the night! One of the most difficult things to do is to get through the night when you are unable to sleep. It seems that often the night is when our mind begins to play tricks upon us.

When you are struggling in the night, I encourage you to get out an old song book, put on a CD with worship music, simply serve notice on the enemy that you are going to praise the Lord anyhow!

I have often thought of the struggle that Leah went through knowing that her husband Jacob had not chosen her to be his bride. She was sure to have felt the rejection. But, she loved Jacob and bare children to him. The fourth son, she named Judah! Leah learned to praise the Lord anyhow!

No matter what you are facing, you can press through the darkest hour with praise. I have learned to praise Him when I feel like it, and to praise Him when I don't. I praised him Sunday for a beautiful day, and I praise Him today in the midst of a gloomy, rainy day! I praise Him when a new child is born, and praise Him when a loved one draws their past breath! Sing the song of praise!

Thanks to those who have responded recently and touched my heart with their words of encouragement. I praise God for you!


Monday, February 4, 2008

"Blessing after blessing keeps on following me...."

Don't you just love the words to that old chorus of praise? Glenda and I went to the mall today just to look around and as we walked we saw someone who was a paraplegic. And we were able to walk unassisted for a couple of hours through the mall! I am so grateful for the blessings of the Lord.

A dear friend passed away this past week. Glenda and I will be doing the music and I will be officiating at the memorial service for this precious saint of God! This wonderful lady had spent many years serving alongside her husband to various South American nations. The stories that they shared with me always encouraged me to trust the Lord in all things. I was honored that their granddaughter asked us to participate in this homegoing celebration.

I have more that I would like to share, but will need to save it for another time, because I have run out of time today. But keep this in mind: God loves you more that the devil hates you! You are the blessed of the Lord. SO.....Keep the faith!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008


This has been a powerful week with several significant testimonies of God's power of deliverance being manifest.  This past Sunday afternoon, during the service here at Jacob's Well, Guest Speaker James Nesbit organized a Prayer Tunnel.  Glenda and I were part of the team that ministered for the next 90 minutes to needs of those who came.  There were several testimonies of those who received blessing.  One young lady received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  A young boy named Noah gave his heart to the Lord.  One man was overcome by the presence of the Lord and was slain in the Spirit for quite some time.  His response to what the Lord had done was awesome.  Several gathered around a prayer cloth for a child who was seriously ill in a local hospital.  The doctor was concerned that this precious child may not survive her illness, but the Lord ministered deliverance to her and she came home from the hospital after having been hospitalized for several days.  The doctor was amazed at the results!

Last evening, Glenda ministered in a Women's Meeting at Good Shepherd A/G in Evansville, IN.  After teaching the word of the Lord, Glenda ministered to those present with awesome results of the manifestation of God's delivering power.  It was a great evening even though the storm was raging outside.

Last week, during the conference in Toronto, God ministered to me in a very special manner, helping me to release several years of frustration, and the unforgiveness that had tormented me for some time.  It was refreshing to walk in the freedom of the Lord as He used several people to minister to me.  It was so exciting to have people who I had never known come to me and share with me words of strength and encouragement.  Pastor Shane prayed for me on Tuesday evening and the Lord healed me of an injury that has caused a great deal of pain to me for over 12 years.  There has been no pain since!  PTL!

As I ministered to those people in the prayer line on Sunday, the gift of the word of knowledge and the gift of prophecy were stirred up and for the first time in several months, I had liberty to flow in the manifestation of the Gifts of the Spirit.  The hunger of the people was astounding as we worshiped together.

I believe that we are on the move toward a greater anointing during 2008.  I hope that you will be encouraged to allow the Holy Spirit to draw you to Himself and enable you to overcome the powers of the enemy.  "Greater is He that is in you!"

Whatever you do, seek after Him with all of your heart, and allow your spirit to be more sensitive to Him during this year of new beginnings!  We love you!  We look forward to hearing from you from time to time.  Be blessed!


Friday, January 25, 2008

This is the last day.....

This is the last day of the Pastors and Leaders Conference here in Toronto. It has been awesome to rest in the arms of the Father for the past three days. The message of the TACF is to return people to the knowledge of the FATHER'S Love in a personal encounter. Many things happen here that may or may not be of interest to others, but the sense of the very fact that God loves me and despite all my failures and successes, I AM SIMPLY HIS CHILD!

Being a father to three great kids, has given me an insight into the father's love relationship. It is comforting to know that the father's love never ends! And it is not performance connected! HE purposes to love me!

As I write this, tears are running down my cheeks. It has been so long since I have felt of value to Him. He is beginning to restore the fire within my spirit to fulfill the ministry to which He has called me. The greatest responsibility that I have is to love the Father with all my heart and to surrender all to Him. Of course that entails the responsibility that I have to my wife and my family. But the fact remains that HE IS PRIMARY!

I encourage you to check out the TCAF website for resources that will help you to hear the heart of God concerning His Love toward you. John Arnott's teaching on forgiveness is powerful, and while it is , for the most part, things about which we have knowledge, it comes together to impact you deeply. http://www.tacf.org/Default.aspx
I love you and I have prayed over a long list of people this week that you would recieve the Father's love. Not just come to the Lord in a salvation experience, but experience the totality of the Father's love.

The real world is ahead, tomorrow. I will wait..., and bask in His arms today!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Signs, Wonders and Miracles....

Today is the third day of this powerful conference at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship. It has been awesome to sense the glory of the Lord during this week of renewal. Last night several, well over a hundred, were healed of back pain. Several gave testimony of the power of deliverance over injury issues of more than 20 years.

I have seen such miracles throughout my lifetime, but for the most part we do not see all the awesome miracles that God has made possible to and through the believer. It is my prayer that you will earnestly seek the Lord for an enduement of His majesty and power to ignite your faith to believe that it is the Father's good pleasure to give to you the kingdom and all of the benefits that are attached to sonship.

Don't allow doubt to steal from you what is your gift from God!

As you go through this day, I would like to ask that you pray for my son, Jimmy, who is IRAQ. He called me early this morning with the news that a dear friend of his from the Tulsa area was tragically killed in an auto accident on I-44 near Miami, OK. Also, the unit that Jimmy is connected to has drawn fire almost every day that they are out patrolling. The stress is overwhelming at times for him. i appreciate your continued prayer for him.

The music is starting and the presence of the Lord is already moving this morning, so I will get off of here and get plugged into what the Lord has for us today.

Be Blessed! CARRY ON!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

TACF - Pastors and Leaders Conference

My son, Pastor Shane, Tim Thacker, and I are sitting in the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship in Toronto, Ontario taking in the Pastor's and Leader's Conference! It is always an awesome opportuntity to attend anything at TACF. This ministry is in it's 14th year of REVIVAL. Word's do not really express what is happening here at the conference. Yesterday's guest speaker was Bill Johnson from Redding, CA. Bill is pastoring a mighty move of the Lord in Redding. Thousands are recieving healing under an Open Heaven for the miraculous in Redding.

One of the highlights of the services here is the Praise and Worship. I have attached the web link on here for you to plug into what the Lord is doing here. There is internet access to these powerful meetings. If you can, go to the link and check it out. I will try to write more later, but it is now time for the morning service to begin. http://www.tacf.org/

Thanks to my friends in North Little Rock who have been such an encouragement to me through the past years, but especially today when I recieved an email from Pastor Greg's daughter. I was encouraged by her words of appreciation.

Also, thanks to a friend who sent me the gift last week to help me in my ability to communicate while driving. The device is very helpful and a blessing.

Blessings! And, by all means, CARRY ON!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

We won!

You should have been there! Both Jake and Chris played well in their respective basketball games. Jake is seven, and Chris is five and they both had basketball games today. What a joy to get to be a part of their lives as they are growing up.

This has been a busy week with trips to Bowling Green, KY, Chicago, IL, back home and then to Savannah, GA by way of Knoxville, TN. I was dragging when I got home yesterday. It is interesting to see the work come in.

I received a call from our dear friends, Charmie and Bernardo Salas. It was very good to hear from them. They are enjoying their new grandson, David Samuel, born in November. His parents, David and Bernadette have invited us to come and officiate in the dedication of this precious child. We are looking forward to coming to this great celebration in March. I am sure that we will have an opportunity to meet with many of our friends during the days that we get to be there in the area.

I have recently resigned from the denomination that I have been serving. It was a sad time for me as I wrote the letter to resign. I will miss my associates within the denomination, but feel confident that this is the best thing for us to do at this time. I hope that the church where we served most recently will soon have a new pastor and that the church will prosper under the leadership of the new pastor. I know that there are a good number of people that deserve strong leadership at the church there in Alexandria. I wish them good success.

Faithfulness is vital to the success of a believer. Scripture emphatically states that it is required of the Lord to be found faithful. Plug into a local church in the area where you are and be faithful. Faithfulness is more that just your attendance record. It is also indicated by your giving, your attitude toward God and your fellowman, and your family. I hope that you will find the joy of serving the Lord with a faithful heart.

Glenda and I appreciate your kindness to us as we embark on the transitional journey that is before us! Stay in touch.

Keep the Faith and CARRY ON!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you from the Whetstone's. This is a day of new beginning for everyone, but especially for Glenda and me. We are entering this year with an expectancy of the provision and blessing of the Lord.
I am in Southern Ohio preaching this week, and just got in from church. The service was great, and the presence of God was precious at the altar. As the people were praying, the song of the Lord begin to well up within me and for several minutes, I prophesied to this congregation. There was such a flow of the Holy Spirit touching the lives of those who were seeking the Lord. It was awesome as the Lord spoke of His love for this church and His purpose for them in this New Year.
It is our desire to hear good things are happening in your life as you progress into this year. Keep your eyes upon the Lord and draw near to Him like never before. He has promised that if we will, He will!
I believe Him!

Happy New Year!

Carry On!