Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Joy ........

I was sitting in the favorite chair, when the phone rang! The voice on the other end was excited. And the news that was spoken into Glenda's ear caused her to exclaim with joy. Last year at this time, we were struggling with the fact that our son, Jimmy, had deployed prior to Thanksgiving to Iraq for a 15 month deployment. But the news came last night! Jimmy will be leaving Iraq on 6 Jan to come home to his family!

It was just this week that Jaxson told his mom, "I have a new way of singing, 'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth' . It went like this, 'All I want for Christmas is for my dad to come home...' I can imagine the excitement that those precious children have as they prepare for Jimmy's arrival in a few days. Just think, They will have Christmas in December, and another "Christmas" in January!

We are looking forward to seeing Jimmy and the family sometime soon. Jimmy called earlier this week and indicated that he would be home soon.

This is a season for families to come together and celebrate the GREATEST GIFT EVER GIVEN, the coming of Jesus into this world to fulfill the Old Testament prophecy that a savior would come. Jesus came, as promised! And He is still coming to those who will believe.

As the Whetstone's gather this week, we are going to enjoy our precious grandchildren. Alex, Nick, Jacob, Christopher, Tripp, and Madellyn are here with us. Shane and Diane, Tanja and Rob, and Mother will sit down and enjoy the children as they celebrate. They will celebrate by opening gifts and playing. What a blessing! Then in January or February, we will do it again with Jimmy and Lindsey, Jaxson, Juliet, and Johnny! As my old friend, Charlie would say, "You've got it made!" I didn't realize that Charlie was such a great prophet! I've got it made! It is not the wealth of this world that satisfys. It is the warmth of our heart as we celebrate Jesus with those whom we love!

Glenda and I will celebrate together the joy of being together with our Family! We are so blessed!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you! And a happy NEW YEAR!