Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thank God, no snow!

There is snow to the north and ice to the southwest according to the news! But it was 65 degrees here today!!!!!! No sun to speak of, but at least it was warm. We are such a blessed people!

I want to encourage you to celebrate the blessing of the season with a special time of remembering the goodness of our great Lord.

Today, I had the joy of meeting a man that has had a tremendous encounter with the Lord. He didn't simply make a decision; he had an encounter with the Lord. His life has totally been changed. Sometime soon I will share more about him with you, but I just wanted to let you know that God wants to have an encounter with you. Not just a drive-by kinda thing, but a real encounter with the Lord. Did you know that He thinks good thoughts about you? Are you aware that you are the center of His desire? Are you aware that there is never a time when you are totally alone?

That is why God in His infinite wisdom, sent His only begotten Son into this world to take upon Himself the form of a man, and to give Himself for your ransom! WOW! What a thought! This season is all about what is nearest to the heart of God: That men would be brought back to Himself!


By the way, all of our grandkids will be with us this year for the holidays. We are so excited. We will miss having Jimmy with us this year for Christmas. But we will be praying for him about noon on Christmas day. Could I ask you to join with us as we pray for him on Christmas Day? And know this, we will also be praying for the peace of the Lord to be manifest in all of the lives those we have come to love throughout the years. We look forward to spending this time with our children!

We do not have internet service at our home. There is no provider in that area since we live in a very rural area. But we do get to check the emails from time to time. It is always so good to hear from you. Hopefully soon we will be able to get service.


Carry On!