Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you from the Whetstone's. This is a day of new beginning for everyone, but especially for Glenda and me. We are entering this year with an expectancy of the provision and blessing of the Lord.
I am in Southern Ohio preaching this week, and just got in from church. The service was great, and the presence of God was precious at the altar. As the people were praying, the song of the Lord begin to well up within me and for several minutes, I prophesied to this congregation. There was such a flow of the Holy Spirit touching the lives of those who were seeking the Lord. It was awesome as the Lord spoke of His love for this church and His purpose for them in this New Year.
It is our desire to hear good things are happening in your life as you progress into this year. Keep your eyes upon the Lord and draw near to Him like never before. He has promised that if we will, He will!
I believe Him!

Happy New Year!

Carry On!