Sunday, March 23, 2008


What a glorious thought that He ever liveth!  It is our prayer for you that you be encouraged in the faith and that the grace of the risen Savior will be multiplied in your life.

I will be in Jonesboro, AR on Thursday and Friday of this week at a Re-Eagle Conference with Bishop Alva Wilson.  I will be speaking in the Thursday evening session.  I would ask that you pray for this retreat of Christian workers, that we will seen the manifestations of healing and deliverance!

Our son, Shane has returned from a successful mission trip to Guatemala.  He was ill during the trip and had to come home early, but the power of the Lord was manifest in the services where he was before leaving and several healings and manifestations of the Holy Spirit were made known.

Please keep Glenda and me in your prayers for release of ministry and financial needs that somewhat are overwhelming us at this time.  God is faithful who has promised.  He always has met every need and will continue to do so!

We love each of you and look forward to hearing from you.

Keep the faith!  CARRY ON!