Friday, December 28, 2007


Have you ever had a yearning for what is to come? I remember as a child looking forward to the opportunities to travel with my father. I remember a journey that we took when I was about 11 years old. My father was taking a trip to Mexico to check out a missions program. The anticipation was awesome as I awaited the day that we would leave. It seemed as though the time was forever passing for the day that we would go. But finally the day came! What a time I had.

It seems to me that this coming year is such a time as that was. There is such an awesome anticipation to see what it is that God desires to do in the coming days. I feel that God has spoken to me regarding an open heaven for the miraculous during 2008. Eight is the number of new beginnings. As Glenda and I have taken these steps into what some may feel is nothing, there is an assurance in our hearts that God will always perform His word in us.

You may be struggling with the issues of your life that are heavy and hard to bear. But remember this, God never leaves us out in the wilderness longer that it takes for our faith to reach out to the glorious future that He has designed for us.

Pastor Shane and I were visiting a few days ago, and we remembered a young man that crossed our paths a few years ago. He was all the time talking out his wilderness journey. He indicated that he was in the wilderness and was longing for the day that the wilderness experience would be over. Old Testament wilderness stories were 40 years. But New Testament wilderness was only 40 days. Let grace be manifest in your life. You may be in the wilderness, but the wilderness is only the place where God takes us to bring our focus back to Him! When we begin to refocus our eyes of faith toward what His plan is for us, we can soon leave the wilderness in triumph, with God Himself parting the waters for us!

Look forward to the exodus! Look foraward to the manifested plan of God that will come to pass for you as you surrender to him.




Carry On!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful friends. Glenda and I have had a wonderful day with our family today. We were able to talk with Jimmy in IRAQ. The Lord has been so good to us. This past week end, the vehicle behind Jimmy's hit an IED. Forturnately no one was seriously injured. We were so mindful that God is faithful to give His angels charge over us!

The day was awesome with our grandkids surrounding us with their laughter and their limitless joy. What an inspiration they are! My mother was able to spend the day with us as well. We were so excited to all be together for this day.

To our friends in Virginia, please know that we missed you during this season. We do appreciate all the cards that we received from those who expressed their love to us. This transition has left us somewhat at a loss, but God continues to show Himself faithful to us. We appreciate your prayers and some of you have blessed us with expressions of your friendship. I received a call last night from our dear friend, Carl Osborne and his wife, Anna. The doctor had only given Anna a few hours to live this past fall, but our Lord reached out with His tender hand and she is walking and enjoying this holiday season. We are so grateful for the grace of the Lord to this family. Our dear friends, the Salas' called today to share with us a Christmas greeting. They just received a bundle of joy from heaven in the form of David Samuel, a new grandson. We celebrate their joy! We received a package from some other friends that had special pictures made just before we left Virginia! And a dear friend sent us a care package filled with precious thoughts, and a large tin full of sugar cookies which are my favorite cookie! A card came with an love gift of money that was so timely! God is faithful. I could write on and on, but I think you can understand that we feel blessed at this season.

I look forward to a greater opportunity during this coming year. Eight is the number of new beginnings. Glenda and I are looking forward with great anticipation move into this new year!
We want to ask that you continue to pray for us and know that we are here for you if you need us.

Merry Christmas!

Carry On!