Saturday, January 12, 2008

We won!

You should have been there! Both Jake and Chris played well in their respective basketball games. Jake is seven, and Chris is five and they both had basketball games today. What a joy to get to be a part of their lives as they are growing up.

This has been a busy week with trips to Bowling Green, KY, Chicago, IL, back home and then to Savannah, GA by way of Knoxville, TN. I was dragging when I got home yesterday. It is interesting to see the work come in.

I received a call from our dear friends, Charmie and Bernardo Salas. It was very good to hear from them. They are enjoying their new grandson, David Samuel, born in November. His parents, David and Bernadette have invited us to come and officiate in the dedication of this precious child. We are looking forward to coming to this great celebration in March. I am sure that we will have an opportunity to meet with many of our friends during the days that we get to be there in the area.

I have recently resigned from the denomination that I have been serving. It was a sad time for me as I wrote the letter to resign. I will miss my associates within the denomination, but feel confident that this is the best thing for us to do at this time. I hope that the church where we served most recently will soon have a new pastor and that the church will prosper under the leadership of the new pastor. I know that there are a good number of people that deserve strong leadership at the church there in Alexandria. I wish them good success.

Faithfulness is vital to the success of a believer. Scripture emphatically states that it is required of the Lord to be found faithful. Plug into a local church in the area where you are and be faithful. Faithfulness is more that just your attendance record. It is also indicated by your giving, your attitude toward God and your fellowman, and your family. I hope that you will find the joy of serving the Lord with a faithful heart.

Glenda and I appreciate your kindness to us as we embark on the transitional journey that is before us! Stay in touch.

Keep the Faith and CARRY ON!