Thursday, September 18, 2008

Your Faith....

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. We are so prone to place faith as a hard thing to manifest. But in many situations, Jesus reacted to "your faith".

God is not a creator that holds back on his promises to see just how high we will jump or how many rivers we will swim in order to recieve his blessings. That is just not in the character and nature of God. It is the "father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom". He wants to shower us with the blessing of his favor!

A little girl came to a service recently, and after the service came to the evangelist and said, "My best friend is blind and tomorrow I am going to bring her to church so that you can pray for her. I know that when you pray for her, she will be able to see". There is nothing like the faith of a child, and the pressure was on to not let this child down, so the evangelist spent the night and day in prayer for the anointing of God to bring a deliverance for this child. When the service time came the little girl and her friend was sitting on the front seat. At the conclusion of the message that evening, the little girl brought her friend up for prayer. The evangelist prayed a simple prayer, and the child was totally healed! How did it happen? The faith of a little girl that believed that her Father God was all that He declared Himself to be! " I am the Lord that healeth thee!" was more than just a passing statement. It is a TRUTH of who God is!

Reach out to Him in faith today! You have the faith to believe. God instilled it in your heart. Rise up and believe. All things are possible to them that believe

Keep the Faith!


Monday, September 15, 2008

SEPTEMBER is half gone!

I can't believe it, September is half gone and it will soon be a year since I left the city and moved to the country! I miss the city. But then, I missed that abcessed tooth, too!

Glenda and I are as busy as a flea at the humane society! A priority has been football this fall. We have three grandsons that are actively engaged in football. We try to make all of the games. What a joy to see the passion of these great boys as they condition themselves as athletes. They are each very intense. We are so proud of them!

Each of our grandkids are important to us! We only have 9! They range in age from 15 to 4 months! Today I went by to see Madelyn. She was in a very pleasant mood, and while I talked to her she began to giggle. I was beaming! Then I realized that she was probably thinking "This is the funniest face I have ever seen!"

I just returned from Eastern Georgia where I was the guest speaker at Grace Community Fellowship in Thomson, GA. We had a great time together celebrating their 5th Anniversary! Congratulations to Richard and Jennifer Kitchens!

The miles are stacking up on the road with me. I never thought I'd get weary of driving, but sometimes I just look forward to stopping and resting! Wednesday was one of those days. I drove 980 miles that day! I could hardly stand when I got back to the farm.

Upcoming services are scheduled for Calvary Pentecostal Church at Sebree, KY and at the Proctor Community Church in Proctor, OK . Please be sure to pray for these events that they will result in a harvest of spiritual benefits.

Glenda's brother Jerry is back in the hospital in Nashville in very guarded condition. Please remember him in your prayers. I am very concerned about him. It was only the grace of God that he survived the last episode. God is so faithful.

I would loke for you to pray for Glenda and me. We are faced with a great deal of issues most of which are surrounded by financial pressure. It has been touch and go for us this past year. But as I mentioned, God is faithful!

I appreciate those of you who check the blog and respond!

Keep the Faith!