Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ever get tired......

I'm not talking about tired after a long day's work, or a stressful week. Some time ago I heard a story about a preacher that went for an interview with a pulpit committee. After a lengthy interview, one 'of the committee asked the preacher why he had left his last assignment. His response was, "It was due to illness and fatigue." Someone slipped away to the phone and called the last pulpit chairman and asked why had the Pastor left. Their response was, "We were sick and tired of him!"

The scripture tells of more than one incidence where there was frustration in the hearts of great men. One was seen sitting under a tree moaning about his plight, while God was actively sending him fresh food for his enjoyment! God had to remind him that he was not alone. Another man of God, in his frustration, disobeyed the Lord by smiting the rock when he was told to speak to the rock. That incident cost Moses the opportunity to enter into the Land of Promise.

We all face times of discouragement and personal anguish. Loneliness is not a joyous place. But we must realize that we are never alone. We are not forsaken.

I remember the words of a friend that passed away a few months ago, who often told me, "You got it made!" We always laughed about that statement. But really it is the truth! We who walk in the fellowship of the Lord have a destiny that will lead us into glorious victory! If we walk with the Lord, He has never had a failure!

In these recent days, we all have struggled with the financial crisis that our nation is faced with at this time. Some of my friends have lost $1,000s of dollars in the markets. It would be easy for them to become disillusioned. But one of those friends told me that through this crisis, he has learned to cry out to the Lord for wisdom and peace. And the awesome thing about it is that peace has come to his heart.

David said in the Old Testament, that while in his distress, he cried unto the Lord and the Lord heard him. That is a secret to facing the uncertainty of life. TRUST IN THE LORD! He will not fail you! A dear missionary friend spoke at a church where I was pastor and the conclusion of his message to us was to PLOD ON! So...... Here we go, plodding on! And on! And on!

Now go to bed, and get some rest! The Lord has sent his angels to watch over you and all that you have! He will sustain you!

Keep the faith!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just a note to let you know...

We are still around! It has been a very busy season. We are working around the clock it seems. Thank God the price of fuel has gone down!

We are faced with the choice as a result of last Tuesday's election to do the right thing regarding our new president-elect. I assure you that I did not support the election of Mr Obama. There are many reasons why, his stance on Israel, his views on abortion, his postion on marriage being between a man and a woman are among the many. But I am not writing to stir the pot concerning the election.

We are instructed by the Word of God that we are to pray for those in authority. My son, Pastor Shane, reminded us of this in the service this past week. I was reminded of the sermon that I preached right after the election of Bill Clinton. It was based on the life of Daniel, who served in several administrations, all of them which did not adhere to Daniel's values and beliefs. However the scripture speaks of Daniel as being a man of an excellent spirit. That is how I want to be known.

I commit to pray for Mr. Obama. I want him to be a successful president, and not a failure. I want him to lead our nation in a positive manner. It will require the leadership of our Father to quide his steps and fill him with wisdom. Let me challenge you to join the commitment to pray for this administration more than any that has preceeded.

HE, our Father, can do it!

Keep the faith!