Saturday, November 17, 2007

BOXES, BOXES Everywhere....

We have arrived at our destination and are busily attempting to sort our stuff! Do we ever have the stuff!

It has been a very tiring week, but we are getting ready for the Thanksgiving holiday with our family next week. We will all be togethere sometime during the holiday except for Jimmy, who is in Kuwait on his way to IRAQ, and his precious family. We are so grateful for the prayers of everyone for Jimmy and his family during this deployment.

Jimmy has been in contact with Lindsey regularly, and we are regularly in contact with her. Though she is about 1000 miles away, we are attempting to remain in a position of support for her and the family.

Please remember to pray for Glenda and me as we pursue our destiny. Our focus remains on ministry while we are in this time of transition. Please remember the Lighthouse Worship Center in Alexandria as they move through this time of transition as well. We have given of ourselves to that ministry and want to see it flourish.

Blessings to each of you!


Monday, November 12, 2007

We have arrived..

Glenda and I have arrived at our new location. We are getting ready to meet the truck and get started on unloading and getting set up. I appreciate all who have shown us their love and caompassion during this transition. Special thanks to the Simmons' who gave us a resting place for almost two weeks. Glenda and I are so grateful for their expression of love toward us.

Several have expressed their love toward us in several ways. We will be in touch with each of them in a more personal way as soon as I can get to the office boxes!!

Watch the blog for more information!

Carry On!