Tuesday, February 5, 2008

You can have a song....

Scripture tells us that He gives us songs in the night! One of the most difficult things to do is to get through the night when you are unable to sleep. It seems that often the night is when our mind begins to play tricks upon us.

When you are struggling in the night, I encourage you to get out an old song book, put on a CD with worship music, simply serve notice on the enemy that you are going to praise the Lord anyhow!

I have often thought of the struggle that Leah went through knowing that her husband Jacob had not chosen her to be his bride. She was sure to have felt the rejection. But, she loved Jacob and bare children to him. The fourth son, she named Judah! Leah learned to praise the Lord anyhow!

No matter what you are facing, you can press through the darkest hour with praise. I have learned to praise Him when I feel like it, and to praise Him when I don't. I praised him Sunday for a beautiful day, and I praise Him today in the midst of a gloomy, rainy day! I praise Him when a new child is born, and praise Him when a loved one draws their past breath! Sing the song of praise!

Thanks to those who have responded recently and touched my heart with their words of encouragement. I praise God for you!


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